Preparing to launch for Clearing 2023
Following the successful digitisation of some of our Clearing processes over the last couple of years, final preparations are underway to launch a fully online service for August 2023.

Working with colleagues in Global Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions and supported by Codec, the Digital Transformation Team has designed and developed a new solution as part of the wider Queen's Portal based on the Microsoft Power Platform. The system is now undergoing final testing ahead of the critical A-level Results Day on 17 August 2023.
The new Clearing system is part of our wider Applicant Management System project which includes the development of a new undergraduate direct applications system along with the redevelopment of our direct applications portal for postgraduate courses.
Clearing has traditionally been a pressurised time as Admissions call centre staff are inundated with phone calls and emails from potential students desperately trying to secure a place in Queen's. The new system will alleviate some of the pressures by digitising many of the processes and providing staff and applicants with a central location to interact and share necessary information. Integration with Course Finder will help to ensure everyone has up-to-date information on the places and courses available through Clearing with managers having access to real-time information throughout the period.