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2021: Easier Said Than Done

Staff Blog: Our Attempt at 2021: Easier Said Than Done

Image showing a website which is displaying a "Add New Post" for a blogging platform. Text overlay reads: 2021: Easier Said Than Done Staff Blog
January 11, 2021 - January 29, 2021
Online -
09:00 - 17:00

You didn't think you had to do this by yourselves, did you?

We'll be right here with you, setting our own goals, tracking our progress, and documenting the highs, the lows, and everything in between!

Our very own staff have kindly agreed to blog each week how they are finding the beginning of 2021. 

Interested in documenting your own experience? We'd love to hear from you! Let us know by sending us an email

Have any questions? Contact our Event Organiser below!

Week 2 Blog: Keeping Motivated

Let us introduce you to our brilliant staff volunteers, Deirdre, Sarah, and Will. The three of them have very kindly agreed to write their blog, using the theme of Week 2: Keeping Motivated.

Read Week 2 Blog


This event is being ran as part of the "2021: Easier Said Than Done" campaign, organised by the Student Wellbeing Service. Please click here to view the rest of the programme, and explore how you can get involved! 

Join our Mailing List to be kept up-to-date about the campaign, or follow us on our InstagramTwitter, and Facebook where we will also be posting lots of handy tips on goal-setting for the new year!


Event type
General / Other
Student Wellbeing Service
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Health / Wellbeing
Event Organiser Details
Name Student Wellbeing Service