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Film Screening - “We Will Remain”

May 8, 2024
Queen’s Film Theatre, 20 University Square, Belfast, BT7 1PA
15:00 - 16:00

You are invited to attend the film screening of the 30-minute documentary We Will Remain, that intimately portrays the threatened Palestinian Bedouin communities scattered across the Jerusalem desert in the West Bank. As illegal settlements encroach upon their land, these communities confront an extreme coercive environment designed to uproot them, with potentially far-reaching consequences on the entire Palestinian people.  Through firsthand accounts and interviews, viewers witness the Bedouins’ enduring spirit as they confront relentless harassment and eviction pressure. The film sheds light on the broader implications while championing the need for justice, human rights, and cultural preservation.

This event has been organised by Institute Fellow (Rights and Social Justice) Dr Alice Panepinto, and is hosted in association with the AEL Centre for Documentary Research and the School of Law at QUB.

This work was supported by AHRC project AH/W006782/1, a collaboration between colleagues at QUB, Al Quds University (Palestine), Trinity College Dublin and Liverpool John Moores University. The creative work was produced by the project partners in Ramallah, Collage Productions.


Event type
School of Law
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