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Going Beyond Participation - Children as Activists in Change-Making Research

Community members, including children, should be regarded as experts in their own lives and as active partners in evidence gathering, according to a paper by QCAP's Emma Loudon and Ben McAteer.

QCaptures CLIP picture (children's drawing)

Queen’s Communities and Place (QCAP) aims to ensure that research into matters affecting people in society goes beyond just listening to people. QCAP seeks to actively involve community members as partners in the research process. This includes facilitating active engagement with children and young people.

The challenge is to find methodologies that truly reflect and enable this aim, and methods such as Participatory Action Research (PAR), which emphasise the importance of going beyond simply hearing children’s voices to acting on their perspectives, may help meet the challenge.

Download this paper for further details:

Children, Learning and Inclusive Places (CLIP)
