Around 100 delegates attended on the day, which included representation from PCEP members, staff and students from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, QUB, School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work and QUB PPI network. We were delighted to welcome our colleagues from Bournemouth and Roehampton Universities as well as University College Cork. Attendees also represented a variety of professional, education and voluntary sector organisations across the North and South of Ireland. It was great to have so many like-minded guests in the room.
The conference was opened by Maria McIlgorm Chief Nursing Officer DoH. In her address, Ms McIlgorm highlighted the importance of working in partnership with patients and carers as set out in our Departmental policy ‘Health and Wellbeing 2020 – 2026 Delivering Together.
Professor Joanne Reid (newly appointed Deputy Head of School) welcomed everyone to the conference and emphasised her commitment to the work of PCEP in the context of the wider university. We had a range of speakers on the day including the keynote address by Dr Paul Gallagher, Citizen Educator WAVE Trauma Centre, and PCEP member during which he shared his personal experiences of severe trauma and reflections of interactions with health care professionals over the years.
Two panel discussion sessions followed, led by PCEP members, staff and students. These sessions showcased the work of PCEP and their involvement in all aspects of the School, including nursing and midwifery education (both undergraduate and post graduate) from the recruitment of students through to graduation and involvement in all School committees. These discussions also included patient and carer involvement in research within the School.
The afternoon session was introduced by Dr Johanna McMullan, Director of Education, after which Mr Martin Bradley spoke about his experience, having worked in a series of senior posts over many years. Mr Bradley was presented with a recognition award for his contribution and commitment to PPI over the course of his career.
In the afternoon we held a workshop entitled ‘where we go from here’ exploring key messages from the day and current and future plans, moving forward.
During the lunch break it was a great opportunity for guests to network and share information and there was a great buzz in the room which was felt by all.
Equal notes choir were unfortunately unable to attend on the day as scheduled but sent through a number of inspirational videos that were particularly well received to close the conference.
Feedback around all aspects of the conference was extremely positive with all elements highly evaluated.
Below are some comments from the feedback around highlights of the day/key messages:
- “The panel discussion was amazing and showcased the value of the contribution PCEP members sharing their lived experiences to nursing and midwifery students.”
- “The sense of authenticity in the PCEP members working relationships with QUB staff and students. This was a highlight as it was a try reflection of the team work that is experienced as part of this partnership”
- “The keynote speech from Paul was very powerful. And it was great that service users, patients and carers were so much a part of the day.”
- “So impressed at how the experiences of service users is embedded in all of QUB Nursing and Midwifery business - truly amazing work
- “To be honest it was all excellent - it truly was a showcase of what you have achieved at Queen's. What will sit with me particularly is some of the PCEP group’s experiences.”
- “Together! The importance and value of guiding our future generation of nurses together”
PCEP Forum members Mary Duffin and Ciara Hood attended the Conference on behalf of the Forum and to support our new member Lee-Maria Hughes who was speaking about 'Katie's Project'

After the success of last years event the PCEP Forum chose to hold online lunchtime daily sessions. This yearly event is organised by the members of the Forum and each session was very well supported by Staff, Students, Trust Partners and external guests.
Each day followed a different theme for all the fields of Nursing & Midwifery. The sessions were conducted as an informal chat between staff, PCEP member's and external organisations which gave the audience a true insight into what it is like for carers, families and service users on a daily basis.
These sessions have all been recorded and are available to view by clicking here.
The PCEP Forum would like to thank everyone for their involvement in Carers Week and for all the support they received online at each daily session.

Monday 5th June 2023 - Midwifery – ‘Partners as carers in maternity services’
Dr Lorna Lawther, Lecturer QUB, Ms Bethany Connaughton, PCEP member and Mark Connaughton, Partner, Ms Imelda Smyth, PCEP Member
Bethany and Lorna discussed the role of partners as carers during specific periods of the maternity journey through the experience of Bethany's partner Mark Connaughton.
Quote from the session
- "Informative and eye opening presentation I am in awe of Bethany and how strong she is discussing a very sensitive subject. well done and thank you for sharing"
Click here to watch the recording.
Tuesday 6th June 2023 - Children and Younger Persons - ‘Caring through the eyes of a younger person’
Ms Lucy Simms, Teaching Assistant QUB, Ms Judith Younger, Family Support Practitioner, Action for Children Young Carers Service and Ms Imelda Smyth, PCEP Member
Judith and Lucy discussed the challenges that young carers face through family circumstances. Jude has worked with Action for Children’s Young Carers Project for 11 years, working across Belfast, South-Eastern and Southern Trusts with a variety of families from many different backgrounds.
They chatted about family experiences and highlighted the support available from Action for Children as this is often hidden in society. It was lovely to hear from the young carers.
Quote from the session
"Thank you for the awareness of how Action for Children is a great resource to support children who are carers. I have learned so much today. Great to hear the voices of the children and their real life experience as being a carer. "
Click here to watch the recording

Wednesday 7th June 2023 - Mental Health - 'Bereaved caregivers of people with serious mental illness'
Mr Iain McGowan, Senior Lecturer, QUB, Ms Marianne Tinkler, PhD Student and PCEP Member and Dr Scott Peddie, PCEP member
Iain and Marianne had a conversation with regards to bereaved caregivers of people with serious mental illness and Marianne spoke passionately about this project she is undertaking.
Quote from the session
- I work as the carers commissioning officer for BCP Council, I cared for my father throughout his cancer diagnosis last year until he past away in september and i agree that there are a lot of gaps and a big lack of support toward the end of life and after , particularly a lack of communication and recognition in hospitals and preparing for what happens after death and what support there is.
Click here to watch the recording
Thursday 8th June 2023 - Adult – ‘Caring for a loved one living with dementia'
Dr Gary Mitchell, Senior Lecturer QUB, Mr Brian Fitzsimons, PCEP member and Ms Sandra Aitcheson Assistant Director Nursing Adults and. Older people, Public Health Agency
Gary and Sandra spoke compassionately with Brian who gave a recount of his personal odyssey as a devoted husband, steadfastly supporting his wife through her journey with dementia. He eloquently traced his story, commencing from the pre-diagnosis phase, navigating the complexities of caregiving, and ultimately arriving at the pivotal juncture of transitioning to long-term care.
Quote from the session
- "Thank you Brian for sharing your story, you are an inspiration and I will take your advice on board in my journey as a student nurse. Thank you"
Click here to watch the video recording

Friday 9th June - Learning Disabilities – ‘Caring through the eyes of an older person’
Ms Ailish McMeel, Lecturer QUB, Ms Maria Somerville, PCEP member and Anne Mallon,Carer
Maria and Ailish chatted with Anne who shared her perspective on her life journey as a carer for her daughter Kelly Ann which spans over decades.
Anne shared her experience's of years of campaigning for better services for people with Learning Disabilities and their carers.
Quote from session
- "As a Learning disability nursing student it has been brilliant to hear the perspective of the carer today. Anne has really highlighted for me the importance of including carers fully when caring and supporting a person with a learning disability. Thank you so much for talking to us today. The work you have done over the years to ensure learning disability services are available and fit for purpose is awe-inspiring."
Photos from Carers Week
Click here to watch the recording

Carers week will run daily from Monday 5th June 2023 until Friday 9th June 2023 from 12.00 - 13.00 via MS teams. Each day will represent a different Nursing and Midwifery theme. Click on the read more for a detailed synopsis of each day:-
Monday 5th June – Midwifery – ‘Partners as carers in maternity services’
Tuesday 6th June – CYP - ‘Caring through the eyes of a younger person’
Wednesday 7th June – MH ‘Bereaved caregivers of people with serious mental illness’
Thursday 8th June – Adult – ‘Caring for a loved one living with dementia’
Friday 9th June – LD – ‘Caring through the eyes of an older person’
To join any of the lunchtime sessions please click here
Monday 5th June 2023 - Theme – Midwifery - 'Partners as carers in maternity services'
An audience with Bethany Connaughton, PCEP member and Dr Lorna Lawther, Lecturer in Midwifery Education, QUB
Bethany and Lorna will be discussing the role of partners as carers during specific periods of the maternity journey through the experiences of three partners.
Bethany Connaughton is a PCEP member, mummy to three boys aged 5, 3 and 1. Bethany has been a service user of both mental health services and maternity services including the perinatal mental health service over the last 6 years. Bethany was a staff nurse for 9 years prior to the birth of her youngest and a previous midwifery student at Queen’s.
Tuesday 6th June 2023 - Theme – Children and Younger People - 'Caring through the eyes of a younger person'
An audience with Judith Younger, Family Support Practitioner, Action for Children and Lucy Simms, Teaching Assistant, QUB
Judith and Lucy will be discussing the challenges that young carers face through family circumstances. Jude has worked with Action for Children’s Young Carers Project for 11 years, working across Belfast, South-Eastern and Southern Trusts with a variety of families from many different backgrounds.
They will be chatting about family experiences and highlighting the support available from Action for Children as this is often hidden in society. The aim of the Young Carers Service is to raise as much awareness and support for Young Carers as possible.
Wednesdy 7th June 2023 - Theme – Mental Health - 'Bereaved caregivers of people with serious mental illness'
An audience with Marianne Tinkler, PCEP member and Mr Iain McGowan, Senior Lecturer, QUB.
Iain and Marianne will be having a chat and discussion with regards to bereaved caregivers of people with serious mental illness.
Marianne Tinkler is a Palliative Care Nurse/PhD Fellow who is currently completing a PhD in Palliative Care and persons with serious mental illness at Queens University Belfast.
Thursday 8th June 2023 - Theme – Adult - 'Caring for a loved one living with dementia'
An audience with Brian Fitzsimons, PCEP member, Sandra Aitcheson Assistant Director Nursing Adults and Older people, Public Health Agency & Gary Mitchell, Senior Lecturer, QUB
Brian Fitzsimons will recount his personal odyssey as a devoted husband, steadfastly supporting his wife through her journey with dementia. He will eloquently trace the story, commencing from the pre-diagnosis phase, navigating the complexities of caregiving, and ultimately arriving at the pivotal juncture of transitioning to long-term care.
Concluding the interview, Sandra Aitcheson, our Assistant Director for Nursing Adults and Older Public at the Public Health Agency Northern Ireland, will skilfully expand upon the salient themes embedded within Brian's narrative, deftly connecting them to broader experiences, policies, and practices.
Friday 9th June 2023 - Theme – Learning Disabilities - 'Caring through the eyes of an older person'
An audience with Mary Somerville, PCEP member , Anne Mallon, Carer and Ailish McMeel, Lecturer QUB.
Mary Duffin will be chatting with Anne who will be sharing her perspective of her life journey as a carer for her daughter Kelly Ann which spans over decades.
Anne will share her experience of years of campaigning for better services for people with Learning Disabilities and their carers.
Click here to take you to the Carers Week UK 'I Care Wall' with information regarding what Carers Week is.

To mark Carers’ week this year the Patients and Carers Education Partnership Forum organised daily virtual lunchtime chats which were very well supported by Staff, Students and our Trust Partners.
Each day followed a different theme for all the fields of Nursing & Midwifery. The session began with an informal chat between staff and PCEP member which gave the audience a true insight into what it is like for carers, families and service users on a daily basis.
The main take away message from these sessions was the importance of “Real Listening”.
Members of our School Research team provided detail on all the excellent research projects that are ongoing which involve service users and carers, linking all aspects of the involvement of service users and carers across the school.
some of the lovely chat messages received throughout the week:-
- “Thank you so much to all of you guys who presented today. I wish we had had the whole country on here today to have heard you all. We need everyone behind this emotive area which affects way too many of us. Thank you just doesn’t seem enough”
- “The power of the lived experience voice - it is vital we all hear this and actively listen. Thank you all for sharing.”
- “Susan…..just wonderful to have heard your story. You have re-enforced my reason for being proud to be a nurse. Such a humbling privilege to be part of our patient’s journeys. Keep well and thank you again”
- “Thanks Emma for your contribution to carer's week so important to hear your experiences and the part you have played in improving and developing midwifery care and education”
- “Maria you have really made me stop and think about that dual role of mother and carer thank you for sharing your story”
- “Thank you for sharing your story. I'm not a mum, but from working in ED one thing I know for sure is never doubt a mother because they are the true experts of their children! I feel saddened that you had to fight to be heard. I hope we can all work together to empower healthcare professionals to stay strong and advocate for parents, families and the disabled community”
- “Thank you so much for sharing your story Susan, your determination is truly inspiring Olinda thank you for all the work you do. I'm so proud to be a nurse that trained at Queen's."
Photo from our Midwifery themed session:-
Photo from our Learning Disability themed session:-

On Wednesday 24th November 2021 the PCEP Forum held an event in the Great Hall, QUB with members of Staff and Students from the School of Nursing & Midwifery to launch the new name for the forum and to discuss plans moving forward.
PCEP held its first event in the Great Hall, QUB on Wednesday 24th November 2021 to reflect on the early formation and collaborative work of the group to date and plan the way forward in terms of consolidating that work along with further strategic development. Despite covid restrictions, the event was attended by 40 forum members, staff and students from Nursing and Midwifery and provided a really positive opportunity to meet together as one team and thank everyone for all their hard work.
This was highly valued and enjoyed by all as it was the first face to face meeting since the start of covid. Following updates from key staff members within the School, several forum members representing both patients and carers spoke of their personal experiences and their input as regards the forum. These were very meaningful sessions that reemphasised the importance of involving patients and carers in everything that we do within the School. The event finished with the launch of the website and some discussion around plans moving forward followed by a very welcome lunch. Overall a very successful morning!