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Approval Procedures: Individual Joint Supervision (Co-tutelle)- Single Award

Proposals involving the joint supervision of an individual student enrolled on a Queen’s PhD Programme, where the student will receive a single award on completion, may be considered and agreed at School/Faculty level in accordance with internal Faculty governance procedures.

Requests should be considered by the relevant School Postgraduate Research Committee, in the first instance, and assurances secured that appropriate arrangements for support, supervision and training are put in place. The proposed joint (external) supervisor should also be assessed against normal University requirements for that position and consultation undertaken with the Faculty Finance Officer to agree fee arrangements. Consultation with other Professional Support Services should be undertaken as appropriate, for example, to ensure ongoing registration (Student Administration and Systems), visa monitoring (Immigration Support Office) and partner due diligence (Academic Affairs/Research and Enterprise).

Requests should be endorsed at Faculty level allowing an agreed University template for co-tutelle arrangements to be signed by the Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor.  Where the partner provides a template for signature, this should be reviewed by the Contracts Office or the Head of Legal Services and Employee Relations and any amendments agreed in advance.

Academic Affairs should also be informed in parallel to Faculty consideration, so that procedures for Recognised Supervisor status can be implemented in relation to the proposed joint supervisor.  Final approval will be recorded by Academic Affairs and co-tutelle signature taken forward by the relevant School thereafter.

Schools are responsible for ensuring implementation of individual co-tutelle arrangements through the application of normal University processes (including ongoing registration at Queen’s), and for ensuring that joint supervisors are suitably briefed/trained on University requirements in advance of commencing their duties.