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Approval Procedures

International Partnership Agreements may be initiated at School level or Faculty level, either within Queen’s or by the proposed partner.  They may also be initiated at a strategic level as part of a University-wide collaboration with an international partner.  In the case of the latter, the development of such an agreement may be initiated by the Global Student Recruitment or relevant departments within the Research and Enterprise Directorate. Strategic partnerships are approved by Senate.

  • Stage 1 - Approval to Proceed

    Approval to Proceed must be secured from the relevant Faculty Executive Board (FEB) for all proposed collaborative arrangements to allow formal approval mechanisms to be instigated on behalf of Education Committee (Quality and Standards) (ECQS).  Approval to Proceed for all proposed new International Partnership Agreements must be considered in accordance with the University's International Partnership Triage Process.

    FEB must inform the Partnerships Team in Academic Affairs if the proposed arrangement is given Approval to Proceed and provide the name of the assigned University Coordinator, providing confirmation of the decision and supporting documentation. The Secretary will then contact the lead School (or Faculty depending on the extent/nature of the arrangement) to confirm next steps.

  • Stage 2 - Documentation

    A brief written submission, prepared by the School/Faculty, should be provided in support of the proposed agreement for consideration by the ECQS, together with collated documentation submitted  during Stage 1 for Approval to Proceed. 

    Where the arrangement includes provision for an articulation arrangement (2+2), the submission should also take account of information requirements for that mode of collaborative provision.

    Where the proposed arrangement involves a non-standard fee or commission payment, this must be approved and agreed by the Director of Finance or nominee and a copy of the business plan included in the proposal for ECQS.

    A draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) will be prepared in parallel by Academic Affairs, based on the information provided and consultation with relevant stakeholders, including the partner, as appropriate. 

  • Stage 3 - University Approval

    Supporting documentation should be submitted to the Secretary of ECQS for consideration at the next available meeting.   

  • Stage 4 - MOA Signature and Implementation

    When final approval has been confirmed by ECQS, Academic Affairs will arrange for the signature of the MOA.    Details of the new collaborative arrangement will be circulated to relevant Faculty staff and Head of School, the University Coordinator, the Admissions and Access Service, Finance, Information Services, the Student Administration and Systems, and the Immigration Support Service Office.  Details will be recorded on the Collaborative Provision Register.

    University Coordinators will normally be responsible for taking forward implementation and should liaise with their School/Faculty, particularly in relation to the application of any Partnership Management Plans which may be required by the Faculty.