How the University assures itself of the quality and maintains standards of its programmes
As part of the University’s quality assurance framework, Continuous Action for Programme Enhancement (CAPE) is a key mechanism by which the University can assure itself of the quality, and maintain the academic standards, of its programmes. CAPE enables programme teams to reflect and act upon relevant programme-level information within their normal cycle of business, reducing duplication of effort; and enables Faculties/committees to make judgments on the School/programme team’s analysis of pertinent data and actions to address concerns or disseminate good practice. This work forms a significant part of the basis on which Academic Council seeks to provide assurance to Senate on the following matters, so that Senate may provide the required annual assurances to the Department for the Economy:
- Students’ academic experience at Queen’s is of an appropriate quality, and robust and appropriate methodologies are in place to ensure the continuous improvement of the student academic experience.
- Student outcomes are of an appropriate quality, and robust and appropriate methodologies are in place to ensure the continuous improvement of student outcomes.
- Degree standards are set and maintained at an appropriate level.