Dr Milena Komarova
Milena Komarova is a lecturer in Human Geography at Queen’s University Belfast, previously Research Fellow for the UK in a Changing Europe Initiative on ‘The future and status of Northern Ireland after Brexit’ (2019 -2022); at the Queen’s University Belfast Mitchell Institute (2013 – 2016); and a Research Associate for the ESRC ‘Conflict in Cities and the Contested State’ research project (2007 – 2013). Her research work focuses on the processes of ethno-national contestation and conflict transformation in cities and at sites of state and community bordering. Milena has edited books on Ethnographies of Movement, Sociality and Space and on Cross-border Cooperation as Conflict Transformation. She has published on the role of everyday life practices and urban space in sustaining and transforming conflict in ethno-nationally divided cities, and on the effects of Brexit on borders in and around Northern Ireland.
Key areas of borders-related research
- The Irish land border after Brexit
- Cross-border mobilities
- Territoriality and shared space
Relevant publications
- 2021 The Irish Border. (with Hayward, K.) Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of International Studies. Oxford: OUP.
- 2019 The Irish Border as a European Union frontier: The Implications for Managing Mobility and Conflict. (with Hayward, K.) Geopolitics, 24 (3), 541 – 564.
- 2018 ‘You Have No Legitimate Reason to Access!’ Visibility and Movement in Contested Urban Space’. In Svašek, M. and Komarova, M. (eds.) Ethnographies of Movement, Sociality and Space: Place-making in the New Northern Ireland Oxford: Berghahn Books (Material Mediations Series), 130 – 150.