
Queen’s University Belfast hosted the 17th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2019) on 10 -12 September 2019

The Centre for Intelligent Autonomous Manufacturing Systems at Queen’s University Belfast hosted the 5th IFAC conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences (ICONS 2019) 21 -23 August 2019

EPSRC sets out it's vision and objectives for 2019-20 in a Priority Framework, and backs it with a £1bn budget. CSIT in Queen's cited as an exemplar under the priority "Delivering economic impact and social prosperity".

100 years after Alcock & Brown flew non-stop across the Atlantic, 5kg of oysters sail across the North Sea!

At EUREKA Global Innovation Summit Science Minister Chris Skidmore unveiled the UK’s new International Research and Innovation Strategy

£105m injection of funds from UK Government to make possible the Derry-Londonderry City Region Deal. Announced by NI Secretary Karen Bradley on the 7th May 2019. 15 year plan to stimulate the economic development of the Derry and Strabane area.

Sec. of State, Karen Bradley, has given go-ahead for £350m city deal for Belfast [Belfast Telegraph 26 March 2019]. Joint venture that includes 6 councils, 4 colleges, and the 2 universities in the east of NI. Work continues on deal for Londonderry.

Potential automation of occupations may have an impact on the labour market in future. Which jobs are most at risk, and what do we know about the people who do these jobs?

Artemis Technologies has opened a new facility in Belfast Harbour. It leads a local consortium to develop a prototype wind/electric hybrid vessel, named the Autonomous Sailing Vessel (ASV). If the bid is successful up to £50m could be available.