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ESRC Online Arts Activities - Songwriting

Introduction to Songwriting with Daniel O'Rourke

Daniel has created a tutorial video describing his renal journey and outlining his process of songwriting as part of our Economic and Social Research Council funded Create and Connect project to develop online arts-based activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The activities will build upon the work of the Renal Arts Group and provide mental health and wellbeing support for patients who face an extended, lonely period of self-isolation. As we are unable to run in-person events and workshops due to the ongoing pandemic, the online activities will provide an introduction to a range of art forms that we hope patients will find engaging and enjoyable. 

"I was born with Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome . I had my first kidney transplant at the age of 3 from a deceased donor and at the age of 25 I had my second kidney transplant from my father. Music has played such a massive part in my life. I play, guitar, drums and piano. Songwriting, playing and performing music has been a real help in my life. Being a renal patient does come with it’s stresses and worries. Even when you finally have your transplant there are mental and physical scars that take time to heal. I am delighted to be part of a group that looks at creative and artistic ways to help renal patients."

We hope that you enjoy the tutorial and would really appreciate your feedback on our art activities by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. 

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