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Fines, Charges

Student wellbeing matters to us and our ongoing commitment to delivering exceptional student experience means that we want to support our users in any way that we can during these challenging times. The Library enables users to be active learners by providing access to high quality resources in support of teaching and research. We don’t want anyone to be prevented from accessing the information they need because they cannot pay a library fine.

Libraries normally charge fines to encourage people to return books on time, so that they are widely available for other users to borrow and benefit from them.  For this system to continue to work without fines, we need our users to play their part.  Please continue to return your books on time, particularly short loan and recalled items that are in high demand by many students.

If you have a book on loan that is requested by another user and you don’t return it, you can’t borrow or request any more items until it is returned. We hope this will encourage users to return their books for further circulation to fellow users.

Library charges can be paid on Queen's Online via My Account

Lost/considered lost items

Very overdue items will be considered lost and borrowers will be invoiced for their replacement cost. There is a standard replacement charge of £45 per item.

If you have lost an item, contact the Library as soon as possible and we will invoice you for a replacement.

Lost Inter Library Loan books

In demand, very overdue or lost Inter-Library Loan will incur a £194.80 replacement charge with a non-refundable administrative charge of £97.40 plus VAT. 

Help with charges

If you need to talk to someone about charges on your library record, or are having financial difficulties, please contact your nearest Customer Service Desk.

The Library Borrowers Policy has been created in order to set down the responsibilities of QUB Library Services and its customers in terms of loans and charges.

Full Library regulations are available from the University General Regulations web page.

Updated July 2024