Dear student
I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and I would like to wish you well in all your adventures in semester 2.

Most placements and internships are targeted at students in their penultimate year of study, but there are a few exceptions.
So to start of this is Just a couple of Opportunities on My future. Remember the more you use it the more My Future understands your needs so get registered and get into the mind-set of looking at my future on a daily basis.

If your interested check out more in relation to
Free -student membership of the institute of directors worth £75.
Skillup- 3 lunchtime skill up workshops and it is anticipated that there will be high demand.
Careers in Law Innovation Programme (clip) programme will give students the opportunity to gain an insight into barrister and solicitor career pathways.
Middle Temple Access To The Bar awards-london placement
Go Global
over the next few months the global opportunities team have a number of varied opportunities around the canada, australia and china. these opportunities give you the chance to experience cultures outside of northern ireland and add impressive additions to your cv.
Employer Panel Programe
Buisness and Technology 15th january- 2020 4-6pm SGC
Public Sector, not for profit and more 22nd january 2020 4-6pm SGC
Free -Student Membership-iod
Free student membership of the institute of directors worth £75. yes that’s right it is all free so start of by completing the application on my future. remember it a first come first served basis limited to the first 100 applicants.
In january, we have three lunchtime skill up workshops and it is anticipated that there will be high demand. as usual, book your place on my future.
Student guidance centre, 12pm – 2pm.
Develop your brand, monday 13th january.
Knowing your strengths, tuesday 21st january.
Future skills, thursday 23rd january
Careers in law Innovation Programme (clip)
The Careers in Law Innovation Programme (clip) programme will give students the opportunity to gain an insight into barrister and solicitor career pathways.
register now through myfuture and further information sessions will be held at the end of January.
Middle Temple Access to the Bar Awards
Are you in level 2, 3 or 4 (or equivalent conversion) and interested in finding out more about a career as a barrister? the middle temple access to the bar awards aim to reach able students from backgrounds, which do not traditionally hold aspirations for a career at the bar and help them make informed choices in relation to their career opportunities and pathways. funded by donations from senior members of the inn, the scheme provides two weeks of work experience every summer in london for selected undergraduates from disadvantaged backgrounds and provides £250 per week towards expenses.
Be quick applications are now being accepted through ces with a deadline of 13th january 2020. for full details, including eligibility see my future.
Careers Fair
Work experience & placement fair, wednesday 22 january 2020, 11am – 3pm, whitla and south dining halls
Go Global
Over the next few months the global opportunities team have a number of varied opportunities around the canada, australia and china. these opportunities give you the chance to experience cultures outside of northern ireland and add impressive additions to your cv.
come along to the go global mini fair and find out about ways you can add an international dimension to your university experience.
Wednesday 15th Jan 12pm – 2pm, student guidance centre.
information sessions in the student guidance centre about other global opportunities in january;
Study China, Tuesday 28th Jan 12pm – 2pm
Queen’s University international exchange programme (canada & australia), 14th and 30th jan 1pm – 2pm
The huawei 'seeds for the future' programme offers uk undergraduate students studying stem or related disciplines the opportunity to travel to china on a fully funded 4-week programme in july and august 2020.
Employer Panels
after the success of the previous employer panel programs, for your benefit more opportunities are being offered. again more info via my future
Business and Technology 15th january- 2020 4-6pm SGC
Public Sector, not for profit and more 22nd january 2020 4-6pm SGC

Careers Fair
Work Experience & Placement Fair, Wednesday 22 January 2020, 11am – 3pm, Whitla and South Dining Halls

International Students Employability Programme
The International Students Employability Programme runs again in Semester 2 with the first session on 27th Jan, 10am – 12pm in the Student Guidance Centre.
LEADERSHIP IN PRACTICE (LiP) UOTC-Do you want to develop leadership skills and impress future employers.
International Students Employability Programme
The International Students Employability Programme runs again in Semester 2 with the first session on 27th Jan, 10am – 12pm in the Student Guidance Centre.
A series of 3 interactive sessions for International Students. Attendance and participation at the three workshops will give Degree Plus Route B accreditation.
Workshop 1, 27th Jan, 10am-12pm
Workshop 2, 3rd Feb, 10am-12pm
Workshop 3, 10th Feb, 10am-12pm
If you have already registered, don’t forget to attend
Running on the 8th -10th January 2020-.
Location: UOTC Head Quarters, Tyrone House, 83 Malone Rd, Belfast. BT9 6SJ.
Do you want to develop leadership skills and impress future employers?
The University Officer Training Corps (UOTC) Leadership in Practice (LiP) is a Degree Plus accredited short course which will focus on Leadership, Followership, Positive Personal Impact, Communication, Planning & Effective Time Management. Applications through My Future

Your personal My Future Account: Make sure you know how to access it and use it to search for jobs, book into Careers/Employer Events and also one-to-one guidance appointments with a Careers Consultant. Go to and use your Queen’s email and normal Queen’s password to access.
School of Law Careers Information – find careers options, relevant employer websites and graduate stories directly related to law are worth a look for generating ideas.
- There is tailored information for you on the Careers Website
- We also have useful advice on the website about CVs, interviews and psychometric tests.
- If you would like some additional support, you can book an appointment to speak to a Careers Consultant via MyFuture-> Appointments -> Book an appointment
You can gain Degree Plus accreditation for engaging in extra-curricular activities. Find more information on the Degree Plus website or come along to one of the Careers Pop-ups in the McClay Library foyer (12th and 26th November) or the DKB foyer (27th November). Find out more on MyFuture.