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Queen's Online

Accessing Queen's Online

Once students have registered for modules within Qsis (the student information system), their registered modules will automatically appear with Queen’s Online. To log into Queen’s Online, students require their student number and their University password.

All staff must also register for modules via Qsis to be able to access them within Queen’s Online. This registration process is carried out by administrative staff within a School, so please contact your School Office for more information. To log into Queen’s Online, staff require their staff number (ads\staff number) and their University password.

QOL Courses

Before the start of each semester Information Services and the Centre of Educational Development provide an introductory course in Queen's Online. It is highly recommended that new staff attend this course. The course is normally delivered in September and January and is available to book via the Training Courses application (iTrent) in Queen's Online.

Issues regarding Learning and Teaching

There are issues and legal requirements to be considered when using Queen's Online for Learning and Teaching which are introduced below: