AGI NI Conference 2019 - Friday, 7 June 2019
Calling all GI users, specialists and experts! AGI Northern Ireland's premiere GI event is scheduled for Friday the 7th of June 2019 in Belfast City Hall and we are looking for speakers. The deadline for the submission of paper proposals is 5pm on Mo

"Forward: Geospatial innovation in a dynamic world"
Presentation Topics
We are living through rapidly changing times and working within dynamic environments, often times with a variety of pressures influencing our work. In many cases, changing what we do and how we do it becomes essential to overcoming the challenges we face.
This year we are highlighting geospatial innovation in public/government, commercial/industry, and academic sectors. We are looking for original and thought-provoking presentations on the use of GI for public benefit, industry trends in data collection technologies and methods, models of best practice, and more including…
- Change detection processes and methods (e.g. use of AI, automated change detection, etc.)
- Advances in data collection technologies and their applications (e.g. UAVs, remote sensing, IoT, ambient location data and intelligence, etc.)
- Innovation through GI in regional and local government (e.g. streamlining and enhancing workflows to achieve cost-savings, encouraging citizen participation in government, etc.)
- Building geo-literacy, innovative GIS interfaces (web apps/dashboards) and capabilities in communities and the public sphere
We welcome and encourage submissions of papers and presentations utilising FOSS4G.
Presentation Categories
We are soliciting papers for presentations in any of these three categories (please state the category in which you would like to present):
- Full presentation – 15 minute speaking slot
- 10x30 Lightning talks – 10 slides, 30 seconds max. each slide (5 minutes total)
- Poster presentation – A1 or A0 (max) size posters
Presentations should try to avoid sales pitches – we find from experience that delegates are not keen on any overtly commercial presentations, so we ask that you please keep any product and commercial references to a minimum.
Ready to present?
Please send short proposals (maximum 250 words) to the AGI NI Committee c/o Rico Santiago, AGI NI Chair, at no later than 5pm on Monday, the 8th of April 2019.
Not ready to present?
If you want to attend as a delegate instead, early bird registration for the conference will open in April, watch this space (!