Giuseppe Catalanotti
Academic Staff

Dr. Giuseppe Catalanotti received his PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Porto in 2011 where he conducted research as part of a European Commission Marie Curie Action project, MOMENTUM. He also holds an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Palermo (2007). After a short spell at Alstom Transport, as a composites expert, he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Porto as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate. His main research interests are focused on the structural integrity of advanced polymer composites. In particular, Fracture Mechanics, Continuum Damage Mechanics, Computational Mechanics for advanced polymer composites, design and manufacture of composite structures, joining of composite structures, and new test methods for composites. He has been involved in several projects (SHEFAE, 2GenComp, iComp, MOMENTUM, HY-LYGHT,ULTIMAT) funded by the European Commission and by the aeronautical industry and has supervised a number of PhD students. He was Visiting Lecturer at the University of Girona in February 2012, and Visiting Scientist at NASA - Langley Research Center in September 2014. In February 2015 he took up the role of Research Coordinator with INEGI, the Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, which is part of the University of Porto. In June 2016 he has joined the Advanced Composite Research Group (ACRG) at the Queen’s University Belfast, as a lecturer. He has been a member of Euromech since 2014.