- 1st International Endocrine Disruptor Conference on the Island of Ireland - PROTECTED
- 5th IFAC Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences
- 8th European Conference on Weaning and Rehabilitation in Critically ill Patients
- Acts of Union: Mixed Marriage in Modern Ireland
- Advanced Composites Research Group
- AFBI Library Online
- Animal Research
- Ballyhanna
- Belfast Eye Conference
- Belfast Young Archaeologists' Club
- Brexit NI
- Brian Friel Theatre
- Campus Food and Drink
- Cancer Caring Coping
- Career Opportunities at Queen's
- Cell Therapy Facility
- Centre for Community Archaeology
- Centre for Intelligent Autonomous Manufacturing Systems
- comhra
- Connect
- ContactVIRT: Intergroup Contact in Virtual Reality
- Control 2016 - 11th International Conference on Control
- Core Technology Units
- Cycle Plus
- Dentistry
- Early Mining in the Lower Segura Valley, SE Spain
- EFACIS 2023 (European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies)
- Eye Surgery Robot
- Fiber Reinforced Polymer for Reinforced Concrete Structures 14
- Frank Ryan
- Friel Reimagined
- Functional Nanocomposite Research
- Game of Stones
- Graduate Support
- GroundsWell
- HaBio
- Heritage Hub
- ICBBM2019 International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials
- If I Were Jack
- Immigration Support Service
- Inclusion Really Does Matter
- International Conference on Livestock, Companion Animals and Wildlife Coronaviruses
- Involve FP
- Irish Plant Scientists’ Association Meeting (IPSAM)
- KN Cheung SK Chin InterSim Centre
- Mental Health Awareness Week
- MiniPublics
- mistral
- Northern Ireland High Performance Computing
- Northern Ireland Public Data Panel
- Northern Ireland Technology Centre
- OLIVER Project
- Open Learning
- Palestinian Bedouin at Risk of Forced Displacement
- Participation for Protection (P4P)
- Patient and Carer Education Partnership
- Photovoice Project
- Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI) Annual Conference 2023
- Post Operative Delirium Belfast (PODB)
- Post-Brexit Governance NI
- Postdoctoral Development Centre
- PRISM LGBT+ Staff Network
- Professor Chris Allen Hannibal The New Evidence
- Protected EU
- Q-PreMan
- QUBeWell
- Queen's AFBI Alliance
- Queen's Communities and Place
- Queen's Formula Racing
- Queen's Gender Initiative
- Queen's Students' Union
- Rare Disease Focus: supporting rare disease throughout all communities
- Reading Together
- Reducing Car Dependency in Belfast
- Science and Culture Research Group
- Smart Manufacturing & Robotics Research Group
- Staff Excellence Awards
- Staff Gateway
- STAYin(g)Rural
- Stride
- student partnership
- Suicide Prevention Research and Impact Network (SPRIN)
- Summer Scheme
- Taxonomy and phylogeography of the Arctic char in Ireland
- Queen's University Technicians
- The British Legal History Conference 2022
- The Genius Network
- The Northern Ireland Assembly Election Study 2016
- The Northern Ireland Network for Trials Methodology Research
- Training in Cancer Mechanisms and Therapeutics
- UK China Universities Consortium on Engineering Education and Research
- UK Paediatric Delirium Group
- Ulster Archaeological Society
- Unique-Check
- vWa Project
- Web Support Team
- Women's Epistolary Networks
- Media Lab
- Queen's on Pregnancy Loss
- 20 MPH Speed Limits
- Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre
- Ageing in Literature: Global South and Global North Perspectives
- Co-Centre for Climate + Biodiversity + Water
- Emerald Isle Conference on Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering
- InQUBate: Supporting Student Innovation and Enterprise
- Intercultural Virtual Home
- Lagomorph 2024
- Momentum One Zero
- Predictive Sports Analytics
- Translating Age
- WHO Collaborating Centre