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Event Listing


The Event Listing content type is mainly used on event listing pages. It comprises two layouts, a short listing layout and a full detailed listing page. Events can also be automatically displayed in the Queen's central "What's On" website by checking a box in the content type - see below.

Event images should be 960 x 540 pixels.


General Guidance

Please use the following information to help ensure that you are using this content type correctly:

Some of the fields have character limits as defined in the form field guidance below.  Please ensure you are aware of these before planning out content using this content type.


  • You should have full permission for any image you intend to use on your website.
  • All images should be the correct dimensions and optimised for the web.  For users that do not have access to Adobe Photoshop or a similar image editing resource, we would recommend the use of PIXLR, a free online image editing platform.  This platform can be used to resize and optimise images.
  • You must use the correct naming convention for image filenames, as follows: 
    • Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numerals (0-9) and hyphens (-);
    • Do not use spaces. Instead, use hyphens to separate words.
    • Do not use special characters (e.g., £, %, &, á) or underscores.
  • The following resource explains how to optimise an image for use on the web.
  • You are not required to add an Image Alt Text / Description if the image will be decorative only.  Further information is available in the Text Alternatives for Images section of our Accessible Content Guidance.
  • Do not create images with embedded text.  The image will be inaccessible and the text will not scale across mobile and desktop devices.  This content type enables you to add a title onto an image in an accessible way. 

Accessibility Guidance

Please use the following guidance to help make sure your content adheres to accessibility regulations:

  • Do not add HTML elements such as span, div, h1 or otherwise to any of the form elements to change the structure of the content type.  Either you will be asked to remove it, or it will be removed by the Web Support Team.  
  • Do not add any CSS styling or selectors to any of the form elements to change the display of the content added to the content type.  Either you will be asked to remove it, or it will be removed by the Web Support Team.
  • Do not create images with embedded text.
  • Do not add image Alt Text / Description to your image if it is decorative.  Further information is available in the Text Alternatives for Images section of our Accessible Content Guidance.

Form Field Guidance

Please use the following information to help you use this Content Type effectively:

Event Listing Form Field Guidance
Field TitleInformationIs it required?
Name This is the name of the content block, only visible to editors of the section.   Yes
Heading Be clear and descriptive so that the title makes sense to all viewers Yes
Introduction Write a short event summary or an introductory sentence about the event No
Text Add more details to your listing like the schedule, featured guests, important details or a link to more information.  This information will help viewers decide whether to attend the event Yes
Image Include a high quality image in the listing (960 w x 540 h) No
Video Embed Code Video to appear on listing in place of image No
Start Date and Time Select the start date and time of the event Yes
End Date and Time Select the end date and time of the event. If you have a recurring event then enter the same end date as the start date Yes
Recurs Every If your event repeats or occurs more than once select the relevant recurrence pattern. Ad-hoc refers to events that take place more than once, but on different days of the week. No
Recurrence Ends On Select the last date and time of your event. You don't need to fill this out if your event starts and ends on the same day, or if the event has an ad-hoc recurrence No
Ad-hoc Recurrence 1 If you selected 'Ad-hoc' in the Recurs Every field, then you can add up to 3 different event dates and the corresponding start times No
Ad-hoc Recurrence 2 as above No
Ad-hoc Recurrence 3 as above No
Location Enter room details or TBC if venue not yet known or leave blank if no specific room is booked for the event Yes
Venue Information Select the venue from the drop down list of popular venues No
Country Select the country the event is taking place in, only if it is NOT taking place in UK or ROI No
Event Type Select up to two categories that apply from the drop down list Yes
Audience Select all applicable audiences that apply from the drop down list Yes
Price Enter price details of the event or Free if there is no cost to attend or Various if there are different prices No
Ticket / booking link Enter the link to ticketing or booking registration No
Contact Name Enter the name of the event organiser. This will be displayed on the website No
Contact Email Enter the email address of the event organiser. This will be displayed on the website No
Contact Phone Enter the phone number of the event organiser. This will be displayed on the website No
Contact Website Enter the website of the event organiser. This will be displayed on the website No
Department This is the department that is organising or hosting the event.  Select all categories that apply from the drop down list No
Subject/Theme Select all categories that apply from the drop down list. If you can't find a relevant theme or topic leave the field blank and fill in the Tags section with relevant keywords No
Tags Add 2 - 4 relevant keywords to improve discoverability of your event and to group common events together. Separate keywords with a comma. No
Hashtags Add any relevant Twitter hashtags for your events.  For example, an NI Science Festival event could have the hashtag #nisciencefestival added No
Event Status Drop down of event status (Sold Out, Postponed, Cancelled) No
Display in What's On? Tick this box if you want the event to appear on the Queen's What's On events website No